Doc's New Home!
The B-29 Superfortress known as Doc has officially moved into its new home in Wichita. The new 32,000 sq.ft. B-29 Doc Hangar and Education Center is located at Eisenhower National Airport and will provide the backdrop for Doc’s Friends volunteers to maintain and continue to operate the historic warbird.
“Eighteen years ago this group of volunteers started a restoration project that many people thought would never be completed,” said Josh Wells, Doc’s Friends spokesman. “Then in 2016, this same group of dedicated volunteers celebrated the completion of Doc’s restoration when Doc roared back to flight. Now, two years later, we are celebrating again as Doc has completed a 20 year journey from China Lake in the California
Desert to his new home at Eisenhower National Airport in Wichita, Kansas. Welcome home Doc.”
Construction on the $6.5 million facility began in November of 2017 and while the hangar and maintenance portions of the facility are completed, work continues on the education and visitors center portion of the project. The work includes the need to to raise an additional $800,000 to help finish the education and visitors center.
Doc is Home!